Eine unvergessliche Freude verschenken
Reserve or book online now!
Reserve a table in our restaurant now or book yout stay in one of our boutique rooms.
Reserve now in our restaurant oder book your stay.
Currently there are no reservations or bookings possible. As soon as the opening day is scheduled, reservation of tables and booking of our rooms will be possible here.
Sign up for our Küferbrief, the newsletter now (currently available only in german language).
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Your data will be transmitted and stored encrypted, used only for the Küferbrief (as email newsletter) and will not be made
accessible to third parties. More information about privacy can be found in our Privacy Policy.
Aktuell sind keine Inhalte auf dieser Seite vorhanden
Sign up for the Küferbrief, our Newsletter, now!
* = Required (Fields without an asterisk are optional)
The protection of your personal data is very important for us!
Your data will be transmitted and stored encrypted, used only for the Küferbrief (as email newsletter) and will not be made
accessible to third parties. More information about privacy can be found in our Privacy Policy.